Colombia Autumn Geisha

177.00 AED

Colombia Autumn Geisha

Process : Natural Aerobic
Variety : Geisha
Altitude: 1600 – 1810 MASL
Farm : Mallorca
Score: 90+

Notes : Jasmine, White Chocolate, Sugar Cane, Tangerine Acidity

The estate has a total of 186 Hectares of which 134 Hectares are cultivated with caturra, geisha, and yellow bourbon, 20 hectares are a reservation forest, and 32 Hectares are cultivated with other crops”. During harvest season 200 local workers are hired to work on the farm. Santiago believes it’s not about productivity, it’s about passion because they recognize the production of specialty coffees as art and science for which they take care of every step of the process. Santiago’s environmental nature and deep respect for nature having an agro-ecological approach bring

1. Producing coffee under the shade.
2. Using an advanced approach of resilient landscape design.

In 2003 they began the sustainability program based on the concepts of Ana Primaveci. Santiago is a coffee science enthusiast for which he loves to create, experiment, research different fermentation, drying, and stabilization processes and conditions aiming to achieve unexpected flavors, complex acidities, and sweetness, but also his approach allows him to be consistent and repeatable. There are 18 natural springs on the property that are protected by conservation forests. All the water used in the farm’s domestic and industrial processes is filtered and treated before it is returned to the environment.

This Gesha is process is Natural with controlled fermentation temperature below 20 allowing oxygen to flow and so the microorganisms present are optimal for the type of fermentation we are aiming for: lactic oxygenated. Selection of the cherries is performed to an 95% error of ripeness and 18°Bix, and the green coffee selection after milling was done by women of the community, resulting in a coffee on another level of quality and no defect presence. Drying and stabilization process for naturals are a very important parts of the final flavor quality for which we do 3 steps in warehouse with temperature controlled and music.

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